Welcome to Silcapor Kosovo. For support contact us: +383 (0) 44 872 791

Dëshmorët e Kombit STR No 55
Matlume, Kaçanik, Kosovo

Walling with Silcapor blocks is quite easy and practical.

A very important factor is the surface on which the masonry is started. It should be flat.
Before starting the walling, prepare the mass of glue or varnish that will be used for walling.
Prepare it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Block cutting can be done in two ways: mechanical and with electric saws, where the method is more preferred for reasons of precision, speed and ease.

The adhesive is placed on the surface of the wall block with different mechanisms, one of the very practical work tools is the small shovel with adequate dimensions on the toothed wall spreader so that the adhesive is distributed on the surface of the block adequately.

The block must be placed on the wall as precisely as possible without deviating too much from the surface of the pre-prepared adhesive.

In walls with SILCAPOR blocks, water, electricity, other heating installations are made very easily using the appropriate and preferred tools without damaging the wall.

The wall built of Silcapor blocks must have a distance of 1cm from the vertical pillar (column), while from the horizontal one 2cm, such spaces must be filled with foam filler, due to the deletion of the building structure.

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